How Do Post On A Blog?

Today we have been learning about how to write a post on our blog.

We learnt that it is a good idea to include an explanation about what you have learnt, what it is or involves, and why it is important.

We also found it good to reflect on what we enjoyed and found hard, as well as what we might do about this moving forward.

Asking a question will hopefully provide a prompt for our readers to comment and offer feedback.

Most of us then also added a photo, screenshot or image we downloaded to show our learning visually. Some of us embedded a slide.

We found that in Edublogs we need to click on Save Draft as our work won’t be auto saved. A good thing to do if you are going back to it at a later time.

Picture Perfect Profiles

We learnt how to:

  • take a good photograph using the ‘rule of thirds’, this is where you place your face over the top third line to create a good image
  • crop a photo to resize it and move it
  • change backgrounds
  • colours that stand out against other colours
  • making sure our text size and colour are good for the readers eye

Some of us weren’t keen to put our face on our profile so we used our school logo.

We are still working on finishing off the text content to ensure we have:

  • introduced and described ourselves
  • capital letters and punctuation in the correct place

We are interested in hearing your thoughts about our profiles. Are there any improvements we can make?

Here are two examples of where we have got to so far…



About us!

Hello we are St Therese from St Joseph’s School, Levin. We are a Year 6/7 class. Our teacher is Mr Davidson – sometimes we call him Mr D!

Our class likes to play games, work together, learn on our chromebooks, read, and we enjoy finding out about healthy eating.

Whaea Michelle comes to work with Mr D on how to teach us to be Cybersmart. In one of our sessions we learnt how to split our screen. The way we used was to drag and drop the tab to the left or right side of the screen so we could see the instructions while we were creating in Google Drawings. 

We then created a sea creature picture and learnt how to download it as an image and then put our image on a class slide deck – St Therese’s Ngā Tamariki a Tinirau. 

Here are our fish images. What do you think about them?

Have you ever used the split screen trick before?

Hello world!

Welcome to your brand new blog at Edublogs!

To get started, simply visit your blog’s dashboard, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you.

Like more help?

We can walk you through step-by-step in our guide to getting started with your blog.

Happy blogging!